Sorry for the lack of picture, I am having technical issues with the picture I took appearing on blogger. I went yesterday to Walgreens to grab a few more deals before the end of the month and to roll my R.R. to give me more time to use them since it is slim pickings for the next two weeks at least.
Transaction 1
1 Dulcolax $7.00
1 Chapstick Effects $2.99
1 Beano To Go $2.49
1 Dove Peanut Butter Bar $0.89
Total: $13.37
$3.00 Dulcolax (Found on bottle)
$7.00 R.R. Dove (Unilever)
$2.50 R.R. Robitussion (Wyeth)
OOP: $0.87
Saved: $14.99
Earned: $3.00 R.R. Chapstick, $2.50 R.R. Beano, and $4.00 R.R. Dulcolax
Transaction 2
1 Robitussion To Go $2.49
1 Dove Beauty Bar $1.59
1 Halls Refresh $1.00
1 Walgreens Straws $0.99
1 Vaseline Sheer Infusion $6.99
Total: $13.06
$1.00 Dove M.C.
$0.60 Dove In Ad Coupon
$2.50 R.R. Beano (Glaxco)
$4.00 R.R. Dulcolax
$3.00 R.R. Chapstick
$1.00 R.R. Halls
OOP: $0.96
Saved: $13.69
Earned: $7.00 Vaseline (Unilver), $1.00 Halls (Cadbury), and $2.50 Robitussion (Wyeth)
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