February 2, 2010
Walgreens Savings 1/31/10
A couple days late on posting this but I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to take advantage of a great money maker at Walgreens this week. In November some regions were lucky to have a up to $30 off M.C. in their Sunday insert for Breeze Contour. By using it this week you can get it for free and recieve a $10 R.R.! For me I just had to pay tax since my area taxes before coupons not after which is an adjustment for me. I had to go to two Walgreens to find it but was happy to find that the second had plenty in stock and a cashier happy to let me do two transactions since I only had two coupons left.
Transaction 1
1 Breeze Contour Monitor $14.99
Total With Tax: $16.38
$14.99 M.C. adjusted down to sale price
OOP: $1.39
Saved: $79.99
Earned: $10.00 Register Reward
Transaction 2
1 Breeze Contour Monitor $14.99
Total With Tax: $16.38
$14.99 M.C. adjusted down to sale price
OOP: $1.39
Saved: $79.99
Earned: $10.00 Register Reward
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