February 28, 2010
Aldi Savings 2/28
A trip to Aldi was on the agenda today to pick up some produce for the week as well as items needed for my baking I am doing tomorrow for once a month cooking. Keep in mind Aldi doesn't accept coupons so I normally go there for produce and baking items I can't get cheaper anywhere else.
Applesauce $0.99
Milk Chocolate Chips $1.69
2 Cut Green Beans $0.98 ($0.49 each)
2 Sweet Peas $0.98 ($0.49 each)
2 Whole Corn $0.98 ($0.49 each)
Bananas $0.94 ($0.39lb)
Broccoli Crowns $1.39
Sugar 5lbs $2.99
O.O.P. $12.56 ($11.93 without taxes)
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