February 28, 2010
Walmart Savings 2_28
Quick trip to Wal-Mart to pick up a few needed items and to pick up some gluten free items needed for one person in the house who discovered they have problems with gluten and in order to be able to cook meals for all of us a few items were needed but at the least cost possible. With that on to the savings.
1 Rice Flour $3.00
1 Gluten Free Baking Mix $2.74
2 Lunchable Subs $3.26
1 Digiorno 200 Calorie Pizza $2.78
1 Yoplait Lite Yogurt $0.58
Total: $12.36
$0.75 Lunchable I.P. x's 2
$2.78 Digiorno Home Mailer for free pizza
O.O.P. $8.73 ($8.08 without taxes)
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